Hayk Hovsepyan IT Consultant

Hello and thank you for visiting my website.
Here you can find information about my experiences, my skills and a little bit about my hobbies!

I am an IT Consultant specialized in Software Engineering

I am a Computer Scientist with a strong background in programming enforced with great skills in functional and technical analysis.
During my career, I continuously strengthen my knowledge with several certifications and trainings.
I am now specialized in Full Stack Development with Java for back-end and Angular for front-end.

Main Skills

Java, Spring, Hibernate, MySQL, Maven, Junit, Mockito, JPA, JDBC.
Angular, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PrimeFaces, Webstorm.
IntelliJ, Eclipse, Maven, Git, Jira, Jenkins, Redmine, Sonar, Visual Studio.
Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Hive, Apache Ranger.
OpenSSL, JWT, OpenID, SSL/TLS, PKI, gsk7capicmd.

Past Experience

Java Consultant at ONE
2020 - now

I am currently worked for ONE. Helping the developement team to digitalize their systems with Java and Angular.

Java Consultant at BNP Paribas Fortis
2018 - 2019

I worked for BNP Paribas Fortis. Where I help the developement team with my knwoledge in Java and Angular.

Java Consultant at The European Commission
2018 - 2018

At the European Comission, I started my freelance career as a Full Stack Developer.

Java Consultant at DXC Technology
2016 - 2018

At DXC Technology I had the opportunity to go back to web app development and to apply my newly acquired knownledge in security field to the web domain.

IT Consultant at Devoteam
2016 - 2016

I worked at Devoteam as an IT Consultant and had the chance to specialize myself in web security. I strongly believe that security will be one of the major concerns companies will have to face in the future and I am happy to be able help them in this aspect.

Java Developer at Accenture
2013 - 2015

My career as a consultant started at Accenture and I had a great opportunity to participate in 4 different projects which enforced my skills in very different areas.

3D Modeler at Carveen (Summer Job)

This job gave me the opportunity to practice my knowledge acquired during my Erasmus in the United-Kingdoms. I did model over 60 different models for a company that rents/sells freezers in Belgium and recently in Europe.
You can find my models over here.

Seller at MediaMarkt (Summer Job)
2007 - 2010

This job gave me the opportunity to discover the marketing world. It also helped me a lot to learn how to interact with different kind of clients and to be up-to-date with emerging technologies.

Programming Skills

It takes knowledge, smart work, and dedication to make great ideas come to life. I have been helping make great ideas happen for the past 5 years and am always ready for new challenges.

Java 10
99% Complete
90% Complete
80% Complete
85% Complete

Designing Skills

Problem solving is not always about sitting in a board room talking about the way things should be done. I have a strong background in UI design which allows me to think on my feet and act upon it.

90% Complete
95% Complete
90% Complete
Maya 3D
90% Complete

High Quality

During my previous projects I did always ensure to deliver high quality products. In my philosophy, if something is not optimized and does not run fast enough then it is simply not working.

Endless Experience

Getting better and better is part of my life goals. I believe that each and every project offers something that we can learn from and become better, that is why I tend to diversify my projects as much as possible.

Strong Background

Being graduated in different institutions for my Bachelor degree and my Master degree helped me to build a very strong background in Computer Science.


Master of Computer Science (MCS)
2016 - 2018

Université de Namur, Namur, Belgium

At the University of Namur I learned several new concepts in Computing Science, helping me to approach problems in a smarter way and finding the best solutions very quickly.

Bachelor of Software Engineering (B.SE.)
2010 - 2013

Haute Ecole de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

At HEB-ESI I had the opportunity to forge a very solid ground for my knowledge in the Computing Science.
I also did an Erasmus at Glyndwr University in the United-Kingdoms, where I had the opportunity to learn 3D Modelling and 3D Game Development.

Accomplished Projects

Here are my most recent project ordered by time

  • ONE – Freelance
  • Analyze, develop and tests multiple components for public organization.
    Skills: Java 11, Angular 9, Spring, Hibernate, IntelliJ, Docker, GOCD, JaCoCo, Junit, Mockito, JPA, MySQL, Maven.
  • 01/11/2018 - 31/12/2019

  • BNP Paribas Fortis – Freelance
  • Analyze, develop and tests multiple components for one of the largest Belgian banks.
    Skills: Java 8, Angular 7, Spring, Hibernate, IntelliJ, SonarQube, Jenkins, Tomcat, Junit, Mockito, JPA, MySQL, Maven.
  • 01/11/2018 - 31/12/2019

  • European Commission – Freelance
  • Analyze, design and implement a tendering platform and ensure communication with multiple other EC services.
    Skills: Java 8, Angular 6, Spring, Hibernate, IntelliJ, WebLogic, JUnit, Mockito, JPA, MySQL, Maven.
  • 01/03/2018 - 31/10/2018

  • DXC Technology – SPW
  • Analyze, develop and tests multiple web components in compliance with governmental requirements.
    Skills: JavaEE, JBoss Portal, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, JUnit, Mockito, Maven, Spring, Liferay.
  • 01/12/2016 - Present

  • Devoteam - BNP Paribas Fortis
  • Engineering and managing the internal PKI of a banking system, using TSL/SSL.
    Skills: PKI, SSL/TLS, OpenSSL, gsk7capicmd, UNIX, management, network.
  • 01/01/2016 - 30/11/2016

  • Accenture - Allianz
  • Analyze, develop and tests multiple web components for an insurance company.
    Skills: JavaEE, JBoss Portal, JSF, Spring, Hibernate, JUnit, Mockito, Maven, Spring Web Flow.
  • 01/06/2015 - 31/12/2015

  • Accenture - Eco-box
  • Analyze, Design and Implement a business management website from back-end to front-end.
    Skills: JavaEE 7, Junit, Mockito, Hibernate, Spring, Eclipe, Maven, Redmine, Jenkins, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10, OpenJPA.
  • 01/11/2014 - 31/05/2015

  • Microsoft - Appathon
  • I created a 3D Kinect game for invalid children in order to help their rehabilitation as part of a competition organized by the MIC Brussels (Microsoft Innovation Center).
    As result I got the first prize, a reward of 3000$ cash. I used that money to buy new equipment/software to help me developing more games for this cause. Skills: Unity3D, Maya3D, C#, Kinect SDK.
  • 28/05/2014 - 31/05/2014

  • Beer Planet - 3D BEER SHOP
  • Create a 3D Virtual representation of BeerPlanet with the ability to buy beers during the virtual visit.
    You can visit it over here.
    Skills: 3D Modelling, Maya 2014, Unity3D, C#.
  • 01/01/2014 - 31/05/2014

  • Accenture - multiPharma
  • Develop the Point Of Sale for multiPHARMA.
    Design,Develop and Test the POS artifacts and participate in SCRUM activities.
    Skills: JavaEE 7, Swing, JUnit, Mockito, Hibernate, Spring, Eclipse, Maven.
  • 01/08/2013 - 31/10/2014

  • Carveen - 3D Freezers
  • Model over 60 differents freezers with Maya 3D.
    For more models click here.
    Skills: Maya3D, Photoshop, Sketchfab.
  • 01/07/2013 - 31/07/2013

  • Glyndwr - ON TIME
  • On Time is a platform and puzzles 3D game developed with CryEngine 3 which main objective is to immerse the player into a completely new environment in which his talent and inventiveness will be put into practice in each level when solving the challenges of each of them.
    Skills: C++, CryEngine, Atlassian JIRA, Maya3D.
  • 01/02/2013 - 31/05/2013

  • HEB-ESI - Punching Machine
  • Control and merge an old punching machine on a recent OS using C++ language.
    Skills: C++, Nokia Qt, Assembly.
  • 01/12/2012 - 31/12/2012

  • HEB-ESI - Step to Step Motor
  • Create an interface with LabView and a personal cardboard to produce enough power to control a step-to-step motor.
    Skills: C++, NI LabVIEW, Assembly.
  • 01/11/2012 - 30/11/2012

  • HEB-ESI - DragonBall Z Cell Jr. Hunter
  • 2D game in JAVA using swing framework. This game also uses Java DB (SQL database from java) to store players, groups and scores.
    Skills: Java, JDBC, Swing, MVC pattern.
  • 01/10/2012 - 31/10/2012

  • HEB-ESI - DragonBall Z Ultimate Battle
  • 2D game in C++ using Nokia's Qt Framework. This game can also be played in LAN with 2 different computers.
    Skills: C++, Nokia Qt, Networking.
  • 01/09/2012 - 30/09/2012

Favorite Activities

Here you can find some of my hobbies

  • Music
  • I am an autodidact guitarist and I am playing since 3 years. I think music is one of the most beautiful things that make us enjoy the life.
  • Scuba Diving
  • I love the aquatic world and I also have a big aquarium at home.
  • Delta Plane
  • Flying in the sky is one of the most extreme sensations I ever had.
  • Kayak
  • I'm also a fan of aquatic sports. Kayak and swimming.
  • Sky Diving
  • I believe I can fly ! If you need some adrenaline, just try this.